
Mental health risks skyrocket among cancer patients

A large-scale study from UK GP patient records show people with cancer are at a greater risk of developing mental health problems even five years after their diagnosis.

Research from a number of charities has highlighted that cancer diagnoses are increasing in the UK and the government are working to spot signs early. However, have you ever stopped to think about the mental repercussions that come with receiving a cancer diagnosis?  

man in orange long sleeve shirt sitting on gray couch

That’s exactly what the latest study from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) covers. Researchers have analysed data from 853,177 adults who were diagnosed with cancer between 1998 and 2018. They upsettingly found that people who had been diagnosed with cancer remained at an increased risk of experiencing new episodes of anxiety and depression, both in the short term and more than five years after diagnosis, compared to people who’ve never had cancer.

Within the research, experts focused on the 20 most common cancers which include cervical, malignant melanoma, prostate, lung and liver. The risks of adverse mental health outcomes were often higher for people with cancer less likely to be treatable. Those with malignant melanoma had around a 10-20% increased risk of developing anxiety or depression, whereas lung cancer patients were almost three times more likely to experience the mental health problems.

What’s more, of the 20 types of cancer studied, researchers discovered people with one of 17 types were more likely to half-harm and eight were more likely to die by suicide.

Dr Harriet Forbes, the lead author of the study and Assistant Professor at LSHTM, said: ‘It’s tough enough to face cancer without also having to deal with mental health problems such as depression or anxiety which may last longer than the cancer itself. The physical and psychological ramifications of cancer must be looked at and supported as a whole.

‘People who have been diagnosed with cancer may find these results useful if they are struggling with the long-term effects of cancer on their mental health; they are certainly not alone in experiencing mental health issues many years after diagnosis.’

‘Our findings suggest a need for improved psychological support for all patients with cancer, not only when they have just been diagnosed, but in subsequent years,’ Dr Forbes added. ‘We also need more targeted prevention strategies. Cancer itself and its treatments can have varied side effects, including chronic pain, lymphedema, sexual dysfunction, poor mobility, financial instability or lack or employment, all of which could profoundly affect people’s lives, potentially leading to mental health issues.’

Images: Joice Kelly

More on this topic:

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‘Politicians don’t fully grasp scale of mental health crisis’ – Mind

Emily Whitehouse
Writer and journalist for Newstart Magazine, Social Care Today and Air Quality News.
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