New government funding available over the next three years with aim to give people who access social care more choice and control over decisions relating to their support.
From this month until 2027, the Scottish government will provide up to £9.2m through the Support in the Right Direction (SiRD) programme, enabling 33 third-sector organisations in Scotland to provide independent advice, advocacy, information and support to people using social care and their carers. The aim is to help such people live independently and to participate in all aspects of life.
The ‘third sector’ covers a range or organisations that are neither public nor private sector. These include community and voluntary organisations, such as charities, self-help groups etc. It also includes co-operatives, mutuals and social enterprises.
SiRD is managed by Inspiring Scotland and is intended to support the wider objectives of the Scottish government’s Self-Directed Support (SDS) Improvement Plan 2023-27, empowering people to make informed decisions about the support they need. Funding for the SiRD programme also compliments the £2bn investment in social care and integration announced as part of the Scottish Budget for 2024-25, and the Scottish government’s commitment to increase spending by 25% over this Parliament, two years ahead of the original target.
Social Care Minister Maree Todd says: ‘Through this funding, people and carers will be supported to have more choice and involvement in how their social care is delivered. We want everyone accessing social care to feel confident participating in every stage of their social care journey and be equal partners in their care and support decisions, so that they can live a full and independent life. The ambition is to have the right independent support available at the right time and place to meet the specific needs of each individual.’
Gaby Nolan, Chief Executive of Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living, adds: ‘We are delighted to be awarded the Scottish Government funding. By offering peer support, as well as individualised casework, this funding will enable us over the next three years, to raise more awareness of Self-Directed Support to disabled people and carers, improve access and support people at all stages of their social care journey. This fund is also supporting us to work with carers from Black and minority ethnic communities increasing awareness and access and offering accessible, person-led support.’
Celia Tennant, Chief Executive of Inspiring Scotland, says: ‘We are pleased to be working with the Scottish Government on Support in the Right Direction. This vital funding commitment will help bring stability to organisations over the next three years and strengthen the network across Scotland of providers of independent advice and advocacy with self-directed support.
‘We know that locally based organisations are vital in enabling people and their carers to understand and navigate the social care systems in their areas. Each of these organisations bring expertise in social care, self-directed support and a good knowledge of local resources meaning they are best placed to work with people at every stage of their journey.’
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